Peer Tutoring Orientation
More than forty peer tutors will provide much-needed support in CSV's upper school Learning Centers and the Tutoring Center at CRLS.
Volunteer Recognition Awards 2024
The 2024 Volunteer Recognition Awards were held on Thursday, April 4. We honored our network of more than 650 volunteers, including the university and corporate partners that send teams of volunteers into Cambridge classrooms. The evening consisted of amazing student performances and speakers, as well as delicious food provided by students in the culinary program of the Rindge School of Technical Arts at CRLS! Check out our award winners…
Thanks, Kendall Square!
Thanks to the intrepid teams of Kendall Square companies and to the Kendall Square Association for making the Kendall Square Challenge a benefit for organizations like Cambridge School Volunteers. See you next year!
Cambridge School Volunteers Awarded $75,000 Cummings Grant
Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV) is one of 150 local nonprofits that will share in $30 million through Cummings Foundation’s major annual grants program. The Cambridge-based organization was selected from a total of 630 applicants during a competitive review process. CSV will receive $25,000 annually for the next three years.
Supporters Gather at CSV Now!
You can still help CSV meet its year-end fundraising goals by visiting the auction and placing a bid, or by a donation made securely on our web site.
CSV Now! Hits Town on May 12
DJ Beshkan provides the music. Philips provides the fantastic terrace view. You and your friends who attend help make CSV’s work possible.
Cambridge School Volunteers Event Honors 2023 Volunteers in the City’s Public Schools
Two MIT graduate students were the winners of this year’s Mack I. Davis II awards. Volunteers marking milestones included Sarah May of Volpe US Dot, a 25-year volunteer in Cambridge School Volunteers’ Reading Buddies program at Kennedy-Longfellow School in East Cambridge.
What Gets in the Way of Learning to Read, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Joanna Christodoulou studied “Summer Slide” earlier in her career. Her focus is on on brain plasticity. The factors that lead to gaps in reading scores among children prior to the pandemic are many of the same ones that have contributed to “Covid Slide.” She gave CSV volunteers a peek into what researchers know at our workshop in January 2023.
Women’s Golf Team Mentors CPS Scholars
This fall, eight members of Harvard University's women's golf team tutored students at CSV's Learning Centers at Putnam Ave Upper School and Rindge Ave Upper School.
Practice Equity as a Math Volunteer
Researchers who study math anxiety know that it interferes with learning. But what is the cause of math anxiety, and why does it affect some people more than others? What can tip the balance for a math learner towards success?