UPPER SCHOOLS | Grades 6–8
Learning Centers
In collaboration with Cambridge Public School staff, CSV serves students in Grades 6–8 in after-school Learning Centers one day a week for 1 ½ hours, at all four upper schools and the Amigos School (K–8). Each center provides students with a supportive setting where tutors assist with homework assignments, reinforce study skills, and provide general academic coaching. CSV matches each volunteer with a student who has been referred by their teacher for help at the Learning Center.
The NetPals program provides a sustainable way for students and NetPal mentors to develop a relationship with a science focus during the school day. The NetPals program promotes career awareness in science, technology, engineering, and math professions. Students learn about real-world career options and current developments in the field by corresponding with a scientist, tech worker, researcher, or other STEM professional. They also benefit from communicating about their work in science class and receiving individual feedback from their STEM mentors. From January to June, NetPals exchange a series of emails and visit their mentor’s work site to see what an office or a lab looks like and what it means to "go to work." All 7th graders at CSUS, RAUC, and PAUS currently participate. All NetPals are recruited through our corporate partnerships.